Treatment Rates

Dr. Piper is available for in-person visits for patients in Boise, ID and surrounding areas. All other clients, Dr. Piper sees virtually.

We accept checks and all major credit cards. Payment is due in full at the time of visit. Unfortunately, insurance does not cover our services. We do accept HSA payment.



$450 - New Patient/Client Visit (90 mins)

Full new patient/client intake with full intake history + complete treatment plan or wellness recommendations offered.

$200-300 - Return Visit (30-45 mins)

30-45 minutes recommended for follow ups, depending on complexity of the case.

*If laboratory review is conducted an additional $60 fee will be applied to the visit.

$200 - Educational Consultation (30 min)

Answers to your general questions. No diagnosis or treatment plan provided.

$200 - Healing Dialogue w/ Dr. Piper (75 min)

Dive into your internal narrative to discover what deeply held beliefs you carry that may be holding you back from your highest level of healing. Includes session notes + journaling recommendations.

*Please not, sessions that run over will be billed in 15-min increments at a $400/hr billing rate.

C. diff Treatment

$2,000 per dose of FMT capsules

FMT treatment for refractory C.diff. 1 or more doses may be recommended, depending on your medical history.

$450 - New C. diff Patient Visit (90 mins)

Full C. diff infection medical history intake required for FMT prescription.

Cost Varies ($200-$450) - FMT Shipping

Generally, FMT is shipped overnight on dry ice using FedEx. Cost varies depending on location and season.

Helminthic Counseling

$450 - New Helminthic Counseling Visit (90 mins)

Full intake history to better understand the autoimmune/allergic condition you’re dealing with and a comprehensive plan of how to approach your personal helminth journey.